Leave her on a bus or a train
Today Nisha is 5 weeks old and she is doing well, putting on weight and awake more. She is also much more interested in things we show her like the vibrant Lamaze butterfly or the finger puppet dinosaurs.
Sleep is still very much on the agenda which is nice for us although she is definitely awake from about 8:30pm until about 10:30. Nice for me as I actually get to play with her but it means trying to go to bed early is wholly unsuccessful.
Nikhil still likes his new sister with lots of cuddles and hugs coming her way. He’s starting to find cause for complaint though with the amount of time Supraja has to play with him during the day due to Nisha’s feeding requirements.
For example today he quietly told Sup to leave her on a bus or a train. I probed further and was told that we should leave her with a good guy and a bad guy. Well, I thought, at least there will be a good guy but I wondered what the bad guy would do.
I didn’t have to wait long as hi smiled and said “the bad guy could shoot the baby.”
What do you say to that? Answers on a postcard.
Man alive!