First trip into London
It’s a scary world out there, and taking your precious new baby out in it only highlights that. Today I had to go to Victoria for some visa business and so strapped on the baby carrier and took Nisha on the train. The weather was lovely and sunny, and the trains were pretty quiet. But I have to admit that London felt too busy, grimy, and germy when I looked at it as a mum. On the positive side, lots of bored looking commuters smiled and cooed at the sight of a little cute baby. It never fails to uplift.
This week has also seen Nisha gain a pretty good amount of weight, she is now 3.57kg which is wonderful. She is obviously growing in length too as we’ve started a pile of ‘too small’ clothes. Thanks to some wonderfully generous friends and family she also has a bigger wardrobe than everyone else in the house put together!
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