Four generations

With my grandparents visiting us in the UK the past weeks, we’ve had 4 generations of my family under the same roof. Despite the age and language gap between them, the kids loved spending time with their great-grandparents. Nisha had long conversations with my grandfather; it was all incoherent babbling to him but she was clearly telling him a great story. My grandmother taught Nikhil how to make puris and spent lots of time cuddling Nisha. Watching them playing together, I could imagine how it was when me and my sisters were babies and living with my grandparents.
Having different generations around also brings up the changes in how we now raise our children. I don’t really worry when Nisha puts her fingers in her mouth but my grandmother kept wanting to stop her. They flinched when watching us bounce the baby around (which she loves) in case it hurt her. My grandmother exclaimed ‘you’re playing with her like she’s a doll!’. All that being said, it’s nice to have so many hands around to help.
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